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Nursery â€‹

  • Nursery rooms are available for children ages 8 weeks through 3 years old. 

  • Every child going into the nursery must wear one of the numbered childcare tags. 

  • Check in for childcare is located in the foyer and denoted by a sign. Please fill out the provided numbered childcare tags that and make note of any special instructions on the tag. Please, also, inform the nursery volunteers of the special instructions or allergies when dropping off your child. 

  • Nursery does serve snacks, so please inform a nursery volunteer if your child has allergies or dietary restrictions. 

  • When picking up your child from the nursery, please have your section of the childcare tag to show to the nursery volunteer. Children will only be released to a parent or guardian who has the tag. We ask that any older siblings who are picking up a child be at least 15 years old.


Nursing Mothers

  • For nursing mothers, there is a speaker in the library for you to listen to the service or you are welcome to into the nursery to nurse. 

  • We ask that only approved volunteers come inside the nursery rooms. 


Children's Church â€‹

  • Children ages 4-6 attend the worship service with their families and are dismissed for Children's Church prior to the sermon. An announcement is made when children ages 4-6 can head out to attend their class. They will return to the sanctuary during the Song of Response. 

  • Check in for childcare is located in the foyer and denoted by a sign. Please fill out the necessary tags and make note of any special instructions. Please inform the room leaders when dropping off your child. 

  • Classrooms do serve snacks, so please inform your child's class leader if they have dietary restrictions. 


  • There must be two volunteers in the nursery at all times, and there should be one adult volunteer for every three babies in the Infant Nursery. 

Please contact Tina Lee at for more information or to volunteer in childcare.



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1230 Rossview Rd. 
Clarksville, TN 37043

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